Djunta KudjeR (2017)
Bersu d'Oru (golden craddle)
Lyrics: Elida Sofia Cabral Almeida
Music: Elida Sofia Cabral Almeida - Ar, Hernani Almeida
Nkori traz di Manuzinhu
Ku si korneta ta bai ta pupa
Ndjuga oru ku Sema Lopi
O ki nganha el ku gaita mi ku ferinhu
Nxinta na ragaz di Nha Nácia
Ki fuliam bensu ki dam konsedju
“Rapasis nobu ka sta di fiansa
Libras bu flas odju na mar kosta pa terá”
Ole le le
Ami n nanci na bersu d'oru
N nada na mar di faluxu
Nkori traz di manuzinhu
Ku si korneta ta bai ta pupa
Ndjuga oru ku Sema Lopi
O ki nganha el ku gaita mi ku ferinhu
Nxinta na ragaz di Nha Nácia
Ki fuliam bensu ki dam konsedju
“Rapasis nobu ka sta di fiansa
Libras bu flas odju na mar kosta pa terá”
Katxás botam rabada dodju
E flam mininu hu ka nocenti
Nobertu ka ta da kunfundiu
Me ta kasau ku si minin
Ole le le
Era so um sonhu
Ole le le
Npensa npensa n nanci na bersu d'oru
I ran after Little Manuel
Who was heading off, blowing his trumpet
I played for gold with Sema Lopi
And I won, him with his accordion and me on the ferrinho
I sat in the lap of Madam Nácia
She blessed me and told me
“Don’t trust boys, speak to them
With your eyes to the sea and your back to the land”
Ole le le
I was born into a golden cradle
I swam in a calm sea
Katxás gave me a strange look
Telling me I wasn’t naive
Norbertu assured me
That I would marry his son
Ole le le
But it was just a dream
Ole le le
I thought I’d been born into a golden cradle
Forti dor (Bitter Pain)
Lyrics: Elida Sofia Cabral Almeida
Music: Elida Sofia Cabral Almeida - Ar, Hernani Almeida
E komesa na mau atxegu
Npega na dal konsedju
Korasom di mai ka ta ngana
Kel amizadi la e problema
E atxa ma dje da omi
Pa mas ki npapia kual ka t'obi
Nta deta noti nka tem sonu
So katxor uba korasom ba pe
Tudu dia ki dios po na crus
Nrecebi um kexa di nha vizinhus
Bu rapasinhu sta kabesa rixu
Nka tem undi pega mi ke mai ke pai
Tudu dia ki dios po na krus
Nrecebi um kexa di nha vizinhus
Natalinu sta kabesa rixu
Nka tem undi pega mi ke mai ke pai
Ui… forti dor
Djam nkre baba Som Martinhu tudu dia
Ah… si ki dor ta due
Nha rapasinhu pikinoti baxu txom
E debi teni fomi
E sta ku friu
E teni sedi
He began to behave badly
I gave him some advice
A mother’s heart is never wrong
That friendship will cause him problems
He thought he’d become a man
I could talk all I wanted, he didn’t listen to me
I couldn’t sleep at night
At the least bark, my heart raced
Every day that God made
The neighbors complained to me
My boy did just what he wanted
I was helpless, I was his mother and father
Every day that God made
The neighbors complained to me
Natalinu did just what he wanted
I was helpless, I was his mother and father
It’s a bitter pain
I’d like to go to São Martinho every day
Yes, it hurts me, this pain
My little boy is under the ground
He must be hungry
He’s cold
He’s thirsty
Era mintira (it was just a lie)
Lyrics: Elida Sofia Cabral Almeida
Music: Elida Sofia Cabral Almeida - Ar, Hernani Almeida
© 2017 Africa Nostra
Es ta kustuma ta fla
Ma silenciu ta fala tudu
Nta kustuma ta obi
Ma tempu ta risolvi tudu
E mintira
E mintira
Pamo si nka fikaba na silenciu
Nta falaba tudu kel ki nta xintiba
Si nka daba tempu au tempu
Oji nu staba ta viveba maravilias
Ntom era mintira
Ntom era mintira
Goci ki djam ntxiga na bo
Ki djam pegabu dentu nha mo
Nta flabu
Nkrebu txeu
Nta purguntadu
Si bu kre ser nha kretxeu
Nta flabu
Nkre ser bu mudjer
Nta purguntabu
Si dja bu kre pa nu djuntu nos kudjer
E mintira…
Era mintira…
We like to say
That silence says it all
We like to say
That time can solve everything
It’s just a lie
It’s just a lie
If I hadn’t remained silent
I’d have told you all I was feeling
If I hadn’t given it time
Today, my life would be wonderful
So it was just a lie
So it was just a lie
Now that I’m with you
And I have you in my hands
I can tell you I love you
And ask you if you want to be my love
I want to be your woman
And share my life with you
It’s just a lie…
It was just a lie…
Discriminason (discrimination)
Lyrics & music: Jorge Tavares Silva
© 2014 Africa Nostra
Forti reklama
Forti buska
Forti pidi nka dadu
Kel kin meresi
Nten familia tanbe
Pan txiga na bo
Pan kexabu nha razon
Pa bu tran so di porta
Bu ta mandan bem manhan
Pan txiga na bo
Pan xexabu nha dor
Di un pai di familia
Pa bu tran so di porta
Bu ta mandan bem manha
Buru maradu ka bu dal ku po
El ka ten modu di bai
Saku baziu
Ka bu pol di pe
Ma el ka ten modu sakedu
Ki npidibu ka di bu kasa
Si bu da Pedro Manel ten tanbe
Ki npidibu ka di bu porta
Si bu da pedro dan dimeu tanbe
I’ve already made many demands
Sought a lot
Asked a lot
Without getting what I deserve
I have a family, too
I come to you
To complain
You won’t let me in
And tell me to come back tomorrow
I come to you
To explain my distress
As the father of a family
You won’t let me in
And tell me to come back tomorrow
You don’t beat a hobbled donkey
Because it can’t escape
An empty bag
Doesn’t stand up
It’s best not to try
What I asked you for doesn’t belong to you
If you give to Pedro, you should give to Manuel, too
What I asked you for doesn’t belong to you
If you give to Pedro, you should give to me, too
Di Mi Ku Di BO (the two of us)
Lyrics & music Elida Sofia Cabral Almeida
© 2016 Africa Nostra
Korpu rapiam
Kantu n pasa na bo
Kabeku labantam
Kantu n roxa na bo
Xintidu kontam
Xintidu kontam
Ma di mi ku di bo
Ka podi fika si
Ma di mi ku bo
Ka ta kaba pa li (bis)
Sempri n obis ta fla
Ma nunka nka ligas
Ma txabi bedju
Ka ta fuliadu
Sempri n obis ta fla
Ma nunka nka ligas
Sapatu bedju
Ka ta fuliadu
Ma di mi ku di bo
Ka podi fika si
Ma di mi ku bo
Ka ta kaba pa li (bis)
My body shivered
When I met you
My hair stood on end
When I brushed against you
My senses awoke
My senses told me
The two of us
It can’t stop here
The two of us
It won’t end like this
I always heard
But took no notice
That a worn key
Must never be thrown away
I always heard
But took no notice
That old shoes
Must not be thrown away
The two of us
It can’t stop here
The two of us
It won’t end like this
Lyrics & music Carlos Moreira dos Reis – aka Manu Reis
© 2016 Africa Nostra
Txika é bunita ti ki kaba na nada
Probulema é ki Txika, nada ka sabi fazi
Txika fla mel é ka nansi pe lanbuxa ku pretu
Txika fla me ka ta pari nem ku badiu ki fari sanpadjudu
Txika é bunita torna go konpasada
Probulema é ki Txika ka sta pasa ningem karton
Txika ba da odju bentu la Lisboa
Txika bem ku paranoia é fla pa nu ka txomal Txika
Ma se nomi me senhorita Fransiska
Txika ka ta ba rubera pamo rubera tem lama
Lata na kabesa kredu en krus, kel nen si bu pagal
Txika ka ta papia ku N`Doli, pamo ma N`Doli é bakan,
É fla pake ? n`ta kontra ku N`Doli la Praia
Ta fika na nhe nhe nhe ta fika so na tolobaskaria
Txika ka ta kusia na lenha, pamo me ta n´tola e ta intxi d tisna
E fla se pe txera so fumu e ta pui se porfumu e ta fika xeiroza
Txika ka ta bati na tina nem e ka ta feti feti na mo
Txika ka ta ba simentera, Txika ka ta panha lenha
Txika nada ka ta fasiii
Txika sta na sinema, Txika é kre ba sinema
Txika kre ser kapa jornal noticia na radiu
Txika is beautiful beyond compare
The trouble with Txika is she doesn’t know how to do anything at all
Txika says she’s too good to hang out with black people
Txika says she wouldn’t have a baby with men from Santiago or from any other place in Cabo Verde
Txika has poise and beauty
The problem with Txika is she doesn’t give anyone a chance
Txika went to Lisbon
Txika doesn’t want anyone to call her Txika anymore
Because her name is Ms. Francisca
Txika doesn’t walk in the riverbed because it is muddy
She doesn’t carry things on her head, even if you paid her
Txika doesn’t talk to N’Doli, because N’Doli is an idiot
She said, what’s the point? I’ll see N’Doli in Praia
He is always talking nonsense and acting like a clown
She doesn’t cook over firewood, because it gets stuffy and covered in ash
She says, if I’m gonna smell like fumes I’d rather spray on some perfume and smell lovely
Txika doesn’t beat clothes on the washboard or scrub them in her hands
Txika doesn’t go planting in the fields, Txika doesn’t collect firewood
Txika doesn’t do anything at all
Txika’s in a movie, Txika wants to be a star
Txika wants to be a frontpage story and make news on the radio